Red Cross
Merit medal
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Swedish Red Cross Merit Cross in silver (SRKSM). No 8th size. Ribbon: : light blue, yellow, light blue.  Awarded in the name of Knut EJ Tisell 1921.
Knut Edvin Johansson Tisell was born on December 26th, 1874 in Flodby. He worked in the Swedish railways where he started in 1893. He was
Stationskrifvare from 1900. Then Statsinspektør from 1916 on Trälleborg ångfärjestation. He was ledande statsfullmektig Trälleborg 1919-26.
Board member Trällebord City Bank from 1925. Chairman of the Board since 1932. The Red Cross medal is hallmarked Silver 1921 so he must
have been awarded this after this date. Further he was awarded the Swedish Order of Wasa in 1924. RKGM - later awarded the Red Cross Gold
Medal.  PrRKM - Prussian Red Cross medal. TyskRKHt - The German Red Cross Merit medal. ÖRKHT - Austrian Red Cross Merit medal.  
ÖRKOffHt - Austrian Red Cross Public Merit medal. He was married to Anna Elisabeth Carlstrøm in 1913.